Pasar Ikan Hiu....Tanjung Luar, Lombok Timur

09 January 2011 § 2

About this time last week, I read about the famed fish market of Tanjung Luar—a small town on the southeast coast of Lombok—in a TransNusa in-flight magazine; you can’t go far without bumping into a fish market of one sort or another in Nusa Tenggara, yet this place is special: every morning, small fishing boats return from the waters around Sumba to haul a catch of sharks into the rank yet endearing seaside stalls of Tanjung Luar.

One rented motorbike and a night nearly spent in a brothel somewhere on the east coast of the island later found Alison and I rolling into the stinky gates of the Tanjung Luar fish market around quarter to six in the morning. As the sun climbed through the haze that cradles this corner of the earth, we set to work asking stellar investigative questions such as, “Good morning, we are looking for sharks. Sharks?” This worked faster than I’d expected when one guy answered knowingly in the affirmative: “Ya, ya, ya, tentu, sebentar lagi.” Which means, “Yes, of course, hang on a minute.”

Although I was admittedly skeptical about our odds of actually tracking down a shark trade, man, did this place deliver: over one hundred sharks were auctioned off for export to Surabaya for roughly $4,000 on this morning alone. We’re heading back in a few months for “shark season,” when the deadly specimens for sale almost double in size when compared with those seen here. 

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§ 2 Response to “Pasar Ikan Hiu....Tanjung Luar, Lombok Timur”

  • Dear Brothers & Sisters
    We have some serious problem, targeted goals for our protection – policies to ensure that Marine Animals are naturally attached and trade protections for us and some of our most threatened friends.
    So please sign your most generous Petition now. I want to be sure they reach these targets to the authority of Indonesian Goverment.


  • Not only Sharks but also Dolphins and Manta rays as well been slaughter

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