Awas Ada Tukang Tenun....Desa Poto, Sumbawa

27 December 2010 § 4

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§ 4 Response to “Awas Ada Tukang Tenun....Desa Poto, Sumbawa”

  • Unknown says:

    Hi Sarah,
    I found your name on UW website by accident, saying that you're working in Indonesia right now. I was super amazed so I look you up and found this blog (I'm from Indonesia fyi :) )

    Anyway, your blog is wonderful. You went to places that I've never been too actually; makes me want to go there when I get back in summer.

    I'm following your blog now. I love your honest posts about Indonesia and your students and your works. Keep posting wonderful posts!

    Take care & Happy holidays,

    Jessica Hendrawidjaja

  • Unknown says:

    Honey...this is so beautiful and artistic. Like award winning, magazine stuff. I feel like I am there almost!

  • Jessica,

    Thanks so much for the positivity! What part of Indonesia are you from? And, are you studying at the UW now?


  • Unknown says:


    I just saw your reply! Yes, I'm at UW now. Going to be a senior this year. I'm originally from Jakarta - the capital city.

    I hope you had a great time in Indonesia!


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