Archive for May 2011

There And Back Again

14 May 2011 § 2

Perhaps I should start with a disclaimer: don’t be fooled by the artistic genius apparent in the painting above; this is not a self-portrait. One of my classes commissioned a particularly talented aspiring artist (to be more specific, a photography loving student named Harry) to produce this masterpiece in my image. I will covet this parting gift by shoving it in a dank storage locker in Singapore while I travel the archipelago (in search of dragons in Flores and improved Indonesian skills in Yogyakarta) before flying home to the Best Coast.

For much of the last nine months, the expiry date on my visa seemed an indiscernible point on the horizon of my consciousness but, like all journeys, this one is coming to a close. Instead of trying to wax poetic whilst spilling tears onto the dusty keys of my MacBook, I’ll let my memory live eternal through the words of my students.

“I very like english class with ms. Sarah because very violent.”

“My suggestion for ms. Sarah I want ms. Sarah will always teaching in SMAN 1 Sumbawa Besar. because I very like with ms. Sarah. Ms. Sarah is teacher that very funny. I LOVE YOU Ms. Sarah. My Teacher. Ms. Sarah very beautiful!”

“English class is my favorite class. I always waiting for Ms. Sarah class. When Ms. Sarah come and teach me about English, that was the time that I like English very much and trying to be a good student in English class. She make the class fun but never forget still learning.”

“I never dislike about class with ms. Sarah because to me you are perfect teacher.”

“Ms. Sarah, every moment with you is the sweetest One.”

"In my opinion, she must make her hair to be longer and be more crazy again but don't be as crazy as Mr. Ben. Hahahaha."

“I dislike because miss sarah not reply my love. Reply my love. mmmuuuuaaaccchh!!!”

I’m not sure if that last bit is a kiss or a projectile vomit. Either way, I am super excited to come spend another nine months with these fantastic kids. In the meantime, you can find me curled up with an IPA and an expensive Cuban sandwich in Ballard, USA.