Archive for November 2010

Featuring The Photographic Stylings Of Mr. Douglas....Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri Dua, Sumbawa Besar

15 November 2010 § 0

Despite his claims to be something of a Luddite when it comes to photography, Doug can turn out a good picture when he gets his hands on the Nikon. A few weeks ago, Doug and I spoke most expertly on education in the United States as part of a panel discussion on education both stateside and here in Indonesia; pictured above are a few particularly captivated audience members from the Department of Education.

Malu Malu Kucing....Pantai Batukuping, Sumbawa Besar

13 November 2010 § 0

Malu malu kucing, which unintelligibly translates to "shy shy cat," is a popular Indonesian idiom often employed to describe bashful children (who do not want to practice their English with me). The exact meaning of the malu malu kucing evades me yet, but one of my fellow English teachers put it like this: "You know, when the cat is shy in front of the person and then when the person leaves, she catches the fish." Of course.